Good day! I have just checked out your blog for the first time and I am so impressed by the amazing work you do. Great picture! The canoes are beautiful.
Here at Oldways we create replications of the artifacts of human past, specializing in traditional European, North American Indian and Inuit implements. All items are of authentic materials for display or ‘hands-on’ purposes. We also facilitate workshops, demonstrations and videos of original technologies such as flint knapping, woodworking with stone tools, processing of clothing and food, and building birch bark canoes, skin qajaqs (kayaks), sinew-backed bows etc.
To contact us regarding community workshop services or purchase of replicas please email us at dgard(at)telus(dot)net.
Hi Don!
Great to see you've posted images of your work - the visuals are beautiful.
Natasha L.
Good day! I have just checked out your blog for the first time and I am so impressed by the amazing work you do. Great picture! The canoes are beautiful.
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